Monday, May 25, 2009

Welcome to my brain (Run while you can, gente!)

Ahem.  This is my first-ever blog post, and the fact is that I am shocked it took me so long to arrive here.  I decided that I was going to be a writer at age six and that's exactly what I ended up doing (I technically am an college professor, but spend a large portion of my time writing books and articles).  But for some reason I have stayed away from the internet, even though I spend an inordinate amount of time researching, surfing, and just thinking about the net.  

Isn't writing a blog kind of like what those of us who grew up in the eighties and early nineties did with our diaries?  (I am referring to those cute little diaries with the useless  (but darling nonetheless) locks that my everyone else used to be able to pick with their eyes shut.  You know, those miniscule Hello Kitty or Merry Melody diaries with the impossibly skinny pencils...)

I digress.  

I also feel kinda vain for having this blog.  But then again most of me doesn't give a crap. 

So welcome to my blog, the thoughts of a thirty-something U.S. Latina with a penchant for music, books, movies, travel, dogs, great food, and a mad handbag fetish.  There's much more to the package than just that, but I figure we have time to get to know each other.  

So if you read, I'll type.  Hell, my dog will even join in sometimes (he's very sharp).  

And feel free to drop me a line once in a while.  

Por favor. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! welcome to the blogging world. whenever i tell someone i'm updating "my blog", in my head i say, "how obnoxious does that sound?!"
    it is fun and you have such a way w/ words :)
